We live amongst a tribal group known as the Dem who are located in the mountains of Southeast Asia. We are here to learn their language, translate the Bible into their language, and teach them about God. If you would you like to receive our monthly newsletter, send us an email at:

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Tribute to Tonya

We were very happy to have Tonya home this break, sadly we had to take her to the airport this afternoon to go back to school. I'm posting this picture in her honor despite the fact that I look frighteningly hideous. We love you Ton:)

I took out one cup to rinse Raquel's hair but she wanted to play with it, so I took out another, but she wanted that one for her other hand. Third cup was the charm and eventually my mission was accomplished.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much, I feel so honored. I really enjoyed reading the Mandie books on the plane. Don't worry, the gold is back in the Cherokee's hands :).

Anonymous said...

Great work.