We live amongst a tribal group known as the Dem who are located in the mountains of Southeast Asia. We are here to learn their language, translate the Bible into their language, and teach them about God. If you would you like to receive our monthly newsletter, send us an email at:

Thursday, June 25, 2009


This morning, for our last excursion, we drove up the mountain to the Gedong Sanga temple complex, discovered by Sir Stamford Raffles in 1804, it was built during the 9th-century Syailendra Dynasty. The 9 temples are situated at about 1,200 meters above sea level and are scattered within a pine forest. I copied that last sentence from a site on the internet. Ha! The view was gorgeous and we had a good time walking around. The whole walk/hike was maybe two miles long.

This little old lady followed us the entire time carrying all that stuff hoping that we would buy something from her. We did buy some drinks, but it sure was a lot of work for a dollar.

A hot springs - good thing this picture isn't a scratch and sniff (the sulfur was pretty stinky:)

Ok, so this picture is of our group minus Phil. The plan was to have him put the camera on a ledge, then run around a fence in the ten seconds the camera timer would give him to join in the picture. However, the stones were a bit slippery causing him to take a tumble as he rounded the corner. You might notice that everyone (except me) in the picture is looking quite concerned at the plight of poor Phil. For some reason I felt that smiling happily for the camera was more important and chose to ignore the suffering going on around me. Sorry Phil!:)


Anonymous said...

oh Angie, that made me laugh really hard- just keep smiling:)

Laura said...

Angie, you always make me laugh - that is CLASSIC!!! Love it.