We live amongst a tribal group known as the Dem who are located in the mountains of Southeast Asia. We are here to learn their language, translate the Bible into their language, and teach them about God. If you would you like to receive our monthly newsletter, send us an email at:

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Generation gap

Last week Gideon and I were riding on an angkot (public transportation like a small van). There are no such thing as car seats here in the land of motorcycles and scooters, so Gideon is conveniently carried in our fabulous ergo baby carrier that Dylan's parents sent us. This particular afternoon there were two older Javanese woman on the angkot with us. As usual they were cooing over the baby- asking how old he was, telling me how big he is compared to their babies. They also were (as usual) worried that he might be cold, but I assured them that since he had been strapped to my body in 90 degree heat for the last several hours that we were both actually quite warm. They then explained how they carry their babies wrapped up and in a cradled positioned (the picture above is of an older child in a traditional "selendang", a baby like Gideon would be lying down). As they shook their heads disapprovingly they made sure to tell me several times that they would never carry their baby like I was.
As they finished telling me this, a young high-school girl joined us, took one look at me and exclaimed quite excitedly "Angelina Jolie!" Well, for a second I began to feel quite flattered at this poor blind girl's mistake, but then she explained that Angelina Jolie uses a baby carrier similar to the one that I was using. I have no idea how she knew that, but this girl was thrilled with my choice of baby transportation:)
Gideon and me in Bali
(I look tired because I was. How does
Angelina Jolie do it?)
Javanese grandma approved:)
(My house helpers help me
every time I use this, maybe
someday I'll remember how to do
it all by myself.)


Anonymous said...

maybe if you were with Brad Pitt you would have an easier time

Adoring Fan said...

I think it was pure looks that she thought you were A/J. I mean you almost have the same name even.

The Blaubach family said...

I think Gideon have wonderful parents who are doing a beautiful job of caring for him and his sister. I don't have pictures of Angelina Jolie in my house, but I do have many of the van Rensburgs:)

Joni said...

I can't imagine having to carry Esther around in a carrier every time I go out! I would have permanent sweat marks, I think!